independent and easy-to-understand news.

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We need your help, so we can keep creating amazing, real stories for you

With fake news on the rise and quality journalism on the decline, now more than ever do we need fresh voices who give people news they want and understand.

We are asking you to partner with explain. By commiting to make a contribution of any amount, you can support our work and help us reach more people with news they actually understand.

We work with talented writers and editors who are great at what they do. Your contirbution can also help us keep working with these amazing talents.

Help us to keep more people informed, empowered and engaged.

Drop us a mail at info@explain.co.za with any questions or comments.

We need your help, so we can keep creating amazing, real stories for you

With fake news on the rise and quality journalism on the decline, now more than ever do we need fresh voices who give people news they want and understand.

We are asking you to partner with explain. By commiting to make a contribution of any amount, you can support our work and help us reach more people with news they actually understand.

We work with talented writers and editors who are great at what they do. Your contirbution can also help us keep working with these amazing talents.

Help us to keep more people informed, empowered and engaged.

Drop us a mail at info@explain.co.za with any questions or comments.